Create Your Destination Wedding Guest List

Who are you planning on inviting to your destination wedding?  Take a moment to draft your wedding guest list.

Create a draft guest list

A destination wedding requires a few additional considerations as you create a guest list – unless you're eloping.  Because of the commitment (time and money related to travel) from guests, the guest list is likely to be much smaller than the guest list for a traditional hometown wedding.

As you add each name to your list, here are a few things to consider:

  • Is this someone you'll enjoy vacationing with?
  • Can this person afford the travel expenses associated with your destination wedding?
  • Is this person well enough to travel?
  • Is there a fear of flying?
  • Are there any special medical or dietary needs?
  • Children?  Will your guests need to bring them?

Speaking of children…

  • Do you want children at your destination wedding?
  • If so, what about childcare?
  • Are children even allowed at your selected resort or hotel?

send save-the-dates, asap!

When you've secured the date and location for your destination wedding, send a save-the-date to people on your guest list.  Include:

  • Your (the engaged couple) names
  • Dates of your wedding weekend (week dates)
  • The destination location – make it crystal-clear that this is a wedding away!

If your wedding invitations are ready, send them in place of save-the-dates

Share details in a destination wedding packet

In addition to the basics of a tradition wedding invitation, your destination wedding invitation must include essential travel information.  Either include these details in the envelope with the wedding invitation or send a packet of info separately.

This packet of information should include:

  • Information about the destination – country or city/state)
  • Hotel or accommodation information – including room block details
  • Flight information (if applicable)
  • A daily itinerary of events surrounding your wedding
  • Airport/ground transportation (referred to as ‘transfers)
  • A suggested packing list (optional)
  • Passport reminder (if applicable)

Create a wedding website

A wedding website is the online version of your printed destination wedding packet.  This is a great way to share and update all the details that you want your wedding guests to know.

A quick online search for “wedding website” generates endless options, from free to completely customized.  If you're certain that all of your guests have access to view your website, a printed package of info may not even be necessary.

Debbie at HitchedAway

Debbie is a destination wedding travel advisor and the face (and voice) of HitchedAway. With a focus on breathtaking destinations and venues in the Caribbean, her goal is to demystify the process of planning your special occasion from hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Ready to Start Planning?

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